UA POV: Ukrainische Soldaten führten die US-Hymne auf


  1. artforfreedom on

    The British Empire ruled the American colonies for over 167 years. The American military was underpaid, underfed, and undersupplied. They lost more battles than they won until they didn’t. America won because they had allies and knew how to fight. The empire believed it had a right to rule over others and saw its colonies as only value until it wasn’t.

    Moscow both under the Soviet Union and under Russia uses its caucuses to fight their wars, thus Ukrainians know how to fight, and they have many allies. Moscow only sees Ukraine as a value to use. Moscow believes it has a right to rule over other nations, and can kill/destroy anyone on its road to becoming an Empire again. Moscow ruled over Ukraine for more than 120 years, until it didn’t.

  2. leo_aureus on

    Love our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, we both need to keep helping each other moving forward.

  3. “Dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish…” – Charlie Chaplin: The Final Speech from The Great Dictator

  4. Corporate_Entity on

    Slava Ukraini from North Carolina! You heroes deserve your independence from Moscow.

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