Pierre Poilievre sagt eines. 200 Experten widerlegen es. Wem soll man glauben?



    1. UnionGuyCanada on

      Trust then slogan, it makes it easier. He has witnessed the power of hate and symbolism, regardless of facts and Poillievre isnhooing to ride it to power.

    2. ynotbuagain on

      Millionaires endorsing lil pp is enough of a redflag! 8-10 CDNS get back I wonder if those 2 that don’t are the Millionaires and 1%….lol! Eat the rich. ANYTHING BUT CONSERVATIVE, ALWAYS ABC!

    3. Schrodinger_cube on

      like honestly if he is speaking i don’t need experts to not believe him as he has his history of saying whatever is trending or actively just not saying the quite part out loud so he can’t be quoted although politically may already be acting on it..

    4. Let’s see a career politician who spews an endless torrent of rubbish or people who actually dedicated their careers to studying economic policies.

      What a hack.

    5. They won’t believe those 200 experts because:

      1. Many won’t hear it. Too much information bubble.

      2. Many won’t believe it because they’ve been told over and over to distrust “experts” and because they are already emotionally aligned with the carbon tax practically being the root of all evil and so no evidence is going to sway them now.

    6. ultrachrome on

      >”Any attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is going to reduce economic activity,” says Stephen Gordon of the Université de Laval, who, like Leach, is a signatory. “The thing about the carbon tax is it has the least bad effect on economic activity.”
      Assuming a shared priority of reduced emissions in a warming world — and it’s clear not everyone shares that view — the letter is a reminder of why Canada chose the carbon pricing route.

      Doing nothing is not an option. Well maybe it is but the science shows a world of hurt coming our way if we do nothing.

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