Sieben von zehn tödlichen Unfällen ereignen sich auf Landstraßen mit einer Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung von 80 km/h. Untersuchungen zeigen, dass Autobahnen fünfmal sicherer sind

Von 9ONK


  1. theoldkitbag on

    While I’m sure driving has much to do with it, a national programme of road straightening and levelling would go a long way. Most rural roads have stretches that are just completely blind and unsafe at any speeds.

  2. SeaworthinessOne170 on

    Anyone can tell you this. Of course motorways are safer than rural roads.

    The RSA should be deemed unfit for purpose at this rate. There needs to be a complete overhaul of the whole organisation.
    How many fat cats at the top are getting paid the big money ? And what is is actually accomplishing.
    We’re going backwards and they are losing credibility very quickly.

  3. Browsin4ever on

    Did someone actually get paid to do this survey? Everyone knows this ffs.

  4. mistr-puddles on

    Thank God we’re putting the speed vans on motorways where they can save peoples lives

  5. Environmental-Net286 on

    how much of the road network is made up of rural roads i wouldn’t be suppersed if it was 70%

    surely for a comparison you’d have to dived by what percentage of the total road network it makes up ?

  6. dropthecoin on

    While this isn’t surprising in the slightest, sometimes I think it’s almost because the rural roads are almost too good nowadays. What I mean is, years ago these roads had poor surfaces, had few cambers for drainage, and few lines. Nowadays some of these roads are better maintained than the old national routes of 30 years ago, and it leads people to drive recklessly at speed on them because of the perception that they are safer. But they still have blind bends and still trees along the route, which is the worst thing you could impact.

    More roads need more traffic calming measures to slow the traffic down.

  7. Rural roads need to be reviewed at a local level and assigned appropriate speed limits; 50, 60, 80.

    The current approach of a blanket 80kmh limit along with relying on a drivers common sense to adjust speed to conditions just doesn’t work.

  8. Forthy-Coats on

    Tune in for tomorrows report on “water being wet”


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