Junge Menschen zahlen „astronomische Lebenshaltungskosten“: Insolvenzverwalter



  1. Despite a college diploma from a good institute and great grades I work in retail…how am I going to afford a million dollar house when I’m lucky to make thirty grand a year?

    Whole system needs a fat reboot. 

  2. wolfdog0797 on

    A single person with a full time minimum wage job should be able to afford rent in a big city. Fucking ridiculous and embarrassing that this is far from the case in canada. Embarrassed of the mess this country has become.

  3. DerelictDelectation on

    Some [international comparison data](https://data.oecd.org/price/housing-prices.htm) to show just how terrible the situation really is in Canada. Since 2015, Canada’s housing prices relative to income have jumped to about the worst in the world. There are similar problems in other countries as well (Luxemburg, Portugal, the Netherlands,…), but Canada does stand out negatively.

    This will end badly, one way or the other.

  4. riseagainst786 on

    “Rob Kilner, an insolvency trustee with Spergel, said in a news release on Wednesday that many younger Canadians should choose to rent. He said he sees a lot of **“entitlement”** among younger people as salaries have not kept pace with inflation and rising home prices amid higher interest rates.”


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