Ukrainische Flugzeuge trafen den Kommandoposten des motorisierten Schützenregiments in der Region Belgorod

Von Mil_in_ua


  1. Available-Anxiety280 on

    Several months ago (maybe even over a year) Belgerod residents were interviewed by the British press. They repeatedly said that Ukraine was Russian and deserved to be invaded so that it should be Russian again.

    So I have ZERO pity for anyone affected.

    You fucking deserve it.

    We all know that there are Russians on this sub. Until you stand up against Putlet, YOU are to blame for this. If you DON’T stand up against him and just make excuses afterwards, YOU are not off the hook. Fuck you.

    It is YOUR responsibility to push back against Putlet. It IS NOT the responsibility for the rest of the world. We’ve done a lot and continue to do so.

    Now YOU need to stand up.

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