Trump hat gerade den New Yorker Richter und seine Tochter auf Truth Social brutal angegriffen – und bereits gegen die gestern verhängte Mundsperre verstoßen


  1. Adorable_Boot7720 on

    Enough is enough! If the judge doesn’t throw him in jail, or penalize him somehow, then the gag order means nothing. Trump will once again get away with everything. I am so sick and tired of it!

  2. SubstantialPressure3 on

    He’s find out this isn’t just like a civil trial.

  3. DoctorFenix on

    Spoiler: There will be no consequences and he will continue doing whatever the fuck he wants.

  4. pistoffcynic on

    Trump’s a fucking lunatic. There’s only one way to deal with bullies like Trump… make actions have consequences.

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