Laut CMHC ist der Wohnungsbau im vergangenen Jahr stark gestiegen, aber die Nachfrage übersteigt immer noch das Angebot

1 Comment

  1. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa. Their combined housing starts dipped 0.5 per cent compared with 2022, totalling 137,915 units, as apartment starts grew seven per cent, to reach a record 98,774 units.

    Compare this to the total US number: “The multifamily sector, which includes apartment buildings and condos, decreased 35.6% to an annualized 327,000 pace .”

    These six Canadian cities build apartments at 6x the rate of Americans? Yet, [market rent is surging in Canada flat in the U.S.](

    Edit: Canadian rent report:

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