Die 5:2-Diät mit intermittierendem Fasten kann Menschen mit Typ-2-Diabetes helfen. Eine Studie mit rund 500 Erwachsenen ergab, dass die Diät nach 16 Wochen eine bessere Blutzuckerkontrolle und Gewichtsabnahme bewirkte als die Diabetesmedikamente Metformin und Empagliflozin. Außerdem verbesserte sie Blutdruck, Fett- und Cholesterinwerte.


1 Comment

  1. A new study finds that intermittent fasting with low-calorie meal replacements may be an effective way for people with type 2 diabetes to lose weight and control blood sugar levels, compared to standard diabetes medication.

    For people with type 2 diabetes, especially those with a recent diagnosis, losing weight may help improve their blood glucose (sugar) levels and reduce the need for diabetes drugs such as metformin.

    However, maintaining weight loss with diet alone can be challenging.

    In the new study, researchers found that combining these two dietary interventions may make it easier.

    The study was published June 21 inJAMA Network OpenTrusted Source.

    Researchers found that people recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who did intermittent fasting using meal replacements lost more weight over 16 weeks compared to people who received standard diabetes medication.


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