Warum ist Berlin so vernachlässigt?


Von FrontDance2957


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  2. Mostly because people can’t be bothered to dispose of their own trash properly — although, to be fair, that can be a serious hassle.

  3. Wolpertinger55 on

    Because the habitants have no pride (to keep it clean) and goverment doesnt assign enough resources to clean the mess up

  4. Somehow i think the source problem starts from the letter M. Here in Poland I never seen such situations

  5. Wankinthewoods on

    Right now?

    It’s been like that for years. The city is poor.

    Easier or cheaper to put up signs telling you that the road or pavement is fucked than it is to fix them.

    The town is a shithole. Dog shit everywhere.

    Had many jobs in Berlin and the thing I look forward to most is leaving.

    One saving grace is that you can buy Augustiner at the kiosk.

  6. I live in Neuköln but also spend sometimes in my home country Greece. Every time I come back from Greece I am amazed on how dirty Neuköln is, i think worst that other areas of the city.
    Yes people do through large objects outside, some times you see literally garbage with a “zu verschenken” note which looks to me an excuse to just leave your garbage on the street.
    But it’s not only that, in my street, the days that they gather garbage the street becomes very dirty with household trash, the people that gather the garbage doesn’t seem to care and it even passed my mind that this happens on purpose (no i wouldn’t know why)..

    Someone wrote about Ordnungsamt Online app, I didn’t know about that but I will check it out. This must be for large objects, but does anyone know about the official place someone can report bad or no cleaning of public areas? I would guess a city-hall service..I would like to find out that and also tell my neighbors so many people can report on that, maybe something changes then?

  7. Prudent_Hotel8834 on

    give garbage men one month task only to empty trash, so that people can see how much trash they are throwing where it isn’t supposed to, after that month raise fine for littering alot, since after city is full of garbage and somebody still has no awarness about littlering wherever they want, they do deserve to be taught a lesson.

  8. ghsgjgfngngf on

    Pictures need more Kringels. Please kringel every piece of trash in the pictures.

  9. napalmtree13 on

    When has it not been? I remember thinking Berlin was filthy when I first moved to Germany 7 years ago. Isn’t the slight post-apocalyptic feel part of the appeal for most people who move there?

  10. Marauder4711 on

    I think that those issues could be solved with regular Sperrmüll dates. We have those where I live and for me – a carless person – it’s a blessing.

  11. Depends 100% on the neighborhood… you rarely see anything like that in Fhain or Lichtenberg

  12. Cappabitch on

    Berlin was always a shithole. Also why I get so mad when people think Berlin represents the whole of Germany. BW is so much nicer.

  13. Caused by far-left government. Like the famous late-roman decadence 👍

  14. coldstreamer59 on

    Confirms my impression of Berlin being a sh*thole, at least in parts

  15. cabropiola on

    How is the city poor if people are paying over 2k rent nowadays for a 3 dorms apartment

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