Britische Verräter, die für Putin kämpfen, werden entlarvt und als „absolute Schande“ gebrandmarkt

Von Ok-Bell3376


  1. Sacred_Apollyon on

    Don’t slip in the mud and the blood of your Russian “mates” and fall face-first onto a landmine. Also don’t bother coming back; alive or in bag.

  2. Neat-piles-of-matter on

    >Stimson’s father Martin, 76, a folk singer, **Morris dancer** and former town councillor

    He never stood a chance.

  3. RaymondBumcheese on

    By the sounds of it, its like the ‘bring back conscription!’ thing. They sound like a pair of wasters who would bring down Russias fighting efficiency. Let them self select if they want.

  4. Why are they traitors?
    As I understand it we are not at war Russia!
    The government chose to support Ukraine with no public consultation and has sent billions of pounds down the toilet

  5. Ajax_Trees_Again on

    An English man that pretends he’s Irish and went off to murder for a foreign fascist state.

    Hope his citizenship has been stripped.

    Also the latter is a million times worse than the former, I just think the former is proper gimpy behaviour

  6. MrPloppyHead on

    This includes boris Johnson…. Installing the son of an fsb agent in the House of Lords, against national security advice.

  7. anotherwastedshite on

    I’m assuming he’ll be stripped of his citizenship. Or does that only apply to Muslim teenagers?

  8. Don’t come home you fucking turncoats, Britain has no room for traitors who betray our ideals

  9. No more are they traitors or a disgrace than those fighting for Zelensky. Moreover, these men risk being slain by weapons they were taxed to pay for (but which, as the adage has it, we may not bear).

    For that, the British people salute them.

  10. MultiMidden on

    Hope they have dual citizenship so that they can be stripped of British citzenship and left to rot in Ruzzia.

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