Melissa Depraetere (Vooruit) kandidiert nicht für ihre Nachfolge als Parteivorsitzende und hofft, dass Conner Roussau „den Faden aufnimmt“
Von maes_t
>Vooruit chairman Melissa Depraetere will not be a candidate to succeed herself as chairman of her party. […] She hopes that Conner Rousseau will “pick up the thread again”. […] now that he has been elected with more than 75,000 votes, from a list pusher position. Depraetere sees this as a clear signal from the voter.
>The chairmanship elections at Vooruit will start from Monday. From then on, applications can be submitted.
>Say deeply problematic things about a minority group
>Face no real consequences
>See yourself as the biggest victim
>Become chairman again
Well, that’s disappointing.