Warum bezeichnen diese europäischen Politiker und Medien Menschen, die die Globalisierung ablehnen, als „rechtsextrem“? Man muss sich nur diese Schlagzeilen ansehen. Was ist falsch an Nationalismus und der Liebe zum eigenen Land?

Von Own_Teacher3433


  1. IncidentBeneficial28 on

    It’s all propaganda from the left, it’s all they have left is to ostracize the opponent as extreme. Sad, really.

  2. It’s a coping mechanism for leftist who can’t admit they have been wrong.

  3. Wordsthrume on

    The left loves to throw this term at anything they don’t agree with, my favorite one they use is  “far right Nazis “ LoL

  4. What’s wrong with nationalism? Nationalism is just another form of collectivism. Unequal treatment before the law. Groupthink. “Our people and businesses are better and deserve different rules than the rest” (like education, healthcare, subsidies, import taxes, etc). The same mercantilism and national propaganda to give jobs to the collectivist politicians who create division and conflict in order to stay in power.

    The solution is libertarianism – individual rights (basically protecting individual liberty, private property, private contracts and free association)

    Like Alberto Benegas Lynch put it: “Liberalism is the unconditional respect for the life project of the fellow man under the principle of non-aggression and defending the right to life, liberty and property.”

  5. MyOpinionOverYours on

    It’s interesting when people claim they have the popular approval of the people, and then say they dont like populist politicians. Words dont mean anything in this evil game.

  6. iheartjetman on

    Right wing nationalism involves the creation of an in group / out group and it tends to protect the capitalists of that country. You can expect more pro corporate legislation from them.

    When corporations feel threatened, a standard tactic is to fund right wing groups. Just look at America.

  7. InsatiableBisexual on

    It gets clicks and interactions.

    You know….like this post.

  8. AccumulatedFilth on

    In Belgium we’re even called “extreme right”. And news anchors talk about right “extremists” on the daily.

  9. Jazzlike-Cap-5771 on

    things are not going well for the left right now, and they happened to have bought most if not all of the news networks.

    i doesn’t matter if your a centrist who likes one single thing that is included in the right ideology, or if your right wing of any extent. you’re far-right, you’re a racist, a bigot, etc.

    kinda sad how far this propaganda has actually gotten. i regularly get into conversations with people of the left, with intent to understand their views and not push my own ideology. i often find it impossible to debate them, because they are so delusional and often dont even know what right wing ideology entails. they just hear words like “far-right” and imagine Hitler.

  10. ManSoAdmired on

    Yes history has no lessons for us about the dangers of nationalism. Great post.

  11. gooddeadpool1983 on

    Nothing man… remember the media is owned by the left Liberal side for now. Also there is no reliable mass media anymore… so…

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