Die NATO erwägt den Abschuss russischer Raketen in der Nähe ihrer Grenzen



  1. Wide-Radish4613 on

    Good call. Best to wait for a surprise attack to level a city or two first.

  2. MikkoPerkele on

    Still only considering….What the fuck? To what kind of pathetic club we joined, when Finland joined NATO?

  3. Of course this requires that Ukraine agrees, and there is always a risk that NATO missiles would cause unintended damage on Ukrainian territory, for example from falling debris. On the other hand I think it is immoral to allow Russian missiles that are flying over NATO territory to reenter Ukraine without shooting them down.

  4. For safety reasons, missiles flying in the general direction of NATO territory should be intercepted, if overflight countries are consenting.

    In fact that would amount to a no fly zone, especially if the safety margin is generous.

  5. Glittering_Ad_134 on

    FFS JUST FUCKING DO IT ALREADY !!! omg what are they fucking scared now JESUS pissing me off those rich prick

  6. BellybuttonWorld on

    NATO considers hauling itself off it’s arse and actually doing what it was created for.

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