Russische Telegram-Kanäle berichten, dass eine Drohne eine ukrainische Flagge auf einem Kommunikationsturm in der russischen Region Belgorod installiert hat


  1. horsewithnoname26 on

    We should send 21th century camera to russia so that we could be able to watch thèse kind of things without getting eye damage

  2. BillyBobBarkerJrJr on

    That’s funny stuff, right there, I don’t care *who* you are! LOL! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. Cute-Cheesecake-8602 on

    in that wind a flag. Tha’s best video i seen today. Thx internet.

  4. We’ve seen this in Kherson before, where they have a second drone lurk nearby to signal when someone is climbing up there to remove it, then blow up the person climbing up.

  5. ffdfawtreteraffds on

    Hey fuckers, not only are we still here, we just pissed on your floor. See you soon…

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