Boeing-Chef Dave Calhoun tritt zurück; Vorstandsvorsitzender und Leiter eines Verkehrsflugzeugs im Zuge der 737-Max-Krise ersetzt


  1. Dave Calhoun was the person they put to save Boeing from the first 737 Max crisis.

    Because this company is so closely connected to politicians and the military, another safe consensus candidate from the same class of people as Calhoun will be chosen.

    It’s not that they don’t understand that choosing management that actually likes neat engineering would be best for the company. It’s just that the personal incentive for everyone involved in making the decision is to not do that.

  2. It also feels like he should not have had to the chance to step down but rather lead down in handcuffs!

  3. GenePoolFilter on

    Hey man.. they were just maximizing shareholder value. If you want to make an omelet, you have to crack a few planes.. /s

  4. ahothabeth on

    I do wish that we had the option to screw-up really badly, including causing people to die, and yet be able to walk away and probably get a large leaving payout and keep stocks.

  5. No no, bring him back. People shouldn’t run from things they are personally responsible for.

  6. PasswordisP4ssword on

    If you think they will receive their comeuppance, something called “board insurance” or “directors & officers insurance” exists to protect them in case of law suit.

    >Directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance is insurance coverage intended to protect individuals from personal losses if they are sued as a result of serving as a director or an officer of a business or other type of organization.

  7. I’m scheduled to fly on a 737 MAX8 on Thursday. Should I cancel my flight?

  8. Ky1arStern on

    The thing that upsets me is that all of these people are just “stepping down”. I’m aware that is corporate speak for “fired”, but the connotation goes beyond that.

    None of these people have to face any actual consequences for their actions. No housing or food insecurity, no criminal charges, no reduction in lifestyle. 

    The only thing that happens is yoy, the numbers they use to define their astronomical net worth grows at a slower rate. Probably. 

    What an absolute farce.

  9. Angry-ITP-404 on

    Let’s be real here, I mean can we? Can we all just be 100% honest now?

    Corporations have to go. Period. They had their chance. They have shown what they bring. It has to fucking stop. Google, Boeing, Facebook, Bayer, fucking all of the. These corporations have a stranglehold on EVERY SINGLE MEANINGFUL ASPECT OF HUMAN LIFE and they exist solely to suck the joy and monetary value from every single thing. They do not exist to help us. They do not exist to provide services. They exist to MONETIZE SERVICES THAT SHOULD BE AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE. Hell look at housing. Look at FOOD PRICES (grocer chains and major food processors reporting record profits for the 3rd straight year should be a fucking wake up call to you dozing sheep idiots). There is no economic issue. There are no logistical struggles. INFLATION IS NOT HAPPENING.


    Folks we have got to wake the fuck up. Corporations are literally – as in for real, as in actuually ,as in the actual definition of literally – killing all of us. Microplastics in PLACENTAS. Lead in EVERY HOUSE IN AMERICA. Plastics NEVER BEING RECYCLED. Toxins and poisons DUMPED RIGHT INTO OUR AQUIFERS.

    And absolutely 0 consequences for the handful of rich vermin responsible for all of it.

    When will enough be enough? When will you spineless pussies decide that you’re sick and tired of constantly being taken advantage of by the worst of the worst and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?!

    We know the names of every Boeing executive. We know where they live. We know where they work. We know who their families are, where their kids go to school. Same with every evil corporation on the planet. At what point do we finally do something about these rats before they infect us all with their plague of greed?

  10. Rakefighter on

    “We had to give him a 500 million dollar severance package, so Mr. Calhoun can learn a lesson about poor Executive Management.”

  11. WhatTheZuck420 on

    Don’t let the door plug hit you on your ass on the way out, Dave.

  12. “Hey! We replaced our CEO. All good at boeing, no need to look any further. The problem is gone.”

  13. Remember all the astroturfing a week or so back that it’s not a Boeing problem…well it looks like it was a Boeing problem.

  14. Is he going to be arrested for reckless endangerment and conspiracy to commit murder?

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