Saudi-Arabiens riskanter Weg zur Modernisierung


  1. Flabby-Lobster on

    This article provides valuable insights into the complexities of Iran-Saudi relations and challenges the assumption of linear growth. Saudi Arabia is undergoing rapid change, with massive investments in infrastructure, technology, and a business-friendly environment. However, liberalization can be a dangerous task for Islamic leaders, and Iran will be closely watching these dynamics, looking for opportunities to undermine al-Saud through conservative elements of society. Despite the detente, the competition and conflict between the two nations are far from over. The article suggests that investments with a sub-10-year payback period would be suitable for the current business-friendly environment, but longer-term investments face uncertainty beyond Vision 2030. The article emphasizes that the key performance indicators (KPIs) of Vision 2030 are crucial to watch, as the government’s failure to deliver on promised economic prosperity and socio-cultural modernization could lead to a reversion to conservatism.

  2. I’m consistently amused by people who spend a few weeks somewhere and write supposedly informed articles about it. I lived for two years on and off in Saudi an I can assure you there’s a lot more going on there than what the author was able to see in the short time he was there talking to business people and looking out the window. The Sauds took power from the Faisals accusing them of being westernized and corrupt, and they’re very skittish of being accused of it themselves, which of course they are. They’re sitting on a powder keg and they know it. The two largest buildings in the Kingdom are prisons and they walk a tightrope with their agreement with the clergy to let the mosques administer the law, and reining them in so they don’t provoke an open rebellion which they have almost done on a few occasions.

    Saudis are very skillful at leading westerners around by the nose and telling westerners what they want to believe, while telling them what they want them to believe.

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