„Sie werden anfangen, Vermögenswerte zu beschlagnahmen“: Eric Trump flippt am Vorabend der Anleihefrist aus



  1. streamsidedown on

    Imagine never having to work your entire life and then seeing it come to an end. What coping skills does he have? If he had to pay his own bills, what could he possibly do?

  2. Vogel-Kerl on

    Yes, your dad keeps fucking up and loses more and more of your inheritance.

    Build a time machine, go back and tell Grandpa Fred to skip Darnold, and give most of the inheritance to his grandchildren.

  3. Phil_MyNuts on

    Having assets seized furthers their narrative better than paying the bond (whether they can or not).

    It feeds into the “it’s all a witch hunt. We’re being persecuted” deep state chicanery they have been pushing for years now.

  4. yes eric, YES! isnt it great??!!

    big smile, BIG smile for the cameras!

  5. ConstantGeographer on

    The Trumps are literal White privilege. They have no understanding of anything around them. They are the fat lazy people depicted in Wall-e, in today’s real life.

  6. StandupJetskier on

    Did you know fines for the poors are back breaking ?

    Did you know the Court does NOT care about your issues ?

    People who are banned due to stealing from a kids’ cancer charity are not allowed to complain.

  7. It’s funny he used the trump saying “ fines like no one ever saw”. LOL Hope he can’t pay his fines and they seize his assets

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