[OC] Wissenschaftsnobelpreisträger seit 2000 nach Geburtsland [Nobel]

Von Sea-Signature90


  1. Sea-Signature90 on

    I did not include economics as it was not one of the original prizes and some people don’t like to think of economics as a science. Just know that the gap between the USA and everyone else increases substantially, as the USA has earned 35 of the 49 Nobel prizes awarded since 2000. Also, keep in mind that this is based on country of birth, I am sure that if I did it based on any association to any country (i.e., including foreign born citizens or people who did some of their research in a different country), the USA would be well over 50%. Note that country of birth is based on current borders and that the total number of laureates is higher than the total number of prizes as some prizes have multiple winners.

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