Michael Higgins: Trudeaus gebrochene Versprechen – in seinen eigenen Worten – Im Jahr 2015 versprach der Premierminister, alles in Ordnung zu bringen, was er seitdem noch schlimmer gemacht hat



  1. cruiseshipsghg on

    On TFW’s:

    **Trudeau in 2015:**

    >”As a result, the number of short-term foreign workers in Canada has more than doubled, from 141,000 in 2005 to 338,000 in 2012. There were nearly as many temporary foreign workers admitted into the country in 2012 as there were permanent residents — 213,573 of the former compared to 257,887.”

    >At this rate, by 2015, temporary worker entries will outnumber permanent resident entries.

    >[“This has all happened under the Conservatives’ watch, despite repeated warnings from the Liberal Party and from Canadians across the country about its impact on middle class Canadians: **it drives down wages and displaces Canadian workers.**](https://archive.ph/V4J2T#selection-4413.0-4425.237)

    TFW’s in 2023 – [**”The Department issued approximately 692,760 work permits from January 1 to August 31, 2023.”**](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/committees/soci-sept-28-2023/canadas-temporary-foreign-worker-programming.html)

    So running up to a Million last year.

  2. Affordability and housing are the prime reasons we have seen a backslide on any progress made on pulling Canadians out of poverty, which was the mandate they were elected on. The challenge is global, and our vulnerability (what the government can control) has been decades in the making. Ultimately, there won’t be easy or quick fixes, but when we look at the 3 options going into the next federal election, it seems clear to me the Liberals are still best for Canada. Now is not the time to move into austerity.

  3. InherentlyUntrue on

    You know, overall, I don’t have a problem with Canada accepting refugees from places like Ukraine/etc, and our actual immigration system is a merit-based system that generally does good (or at least tries its damndest to do good) for Canada.

    But TFWs are a motherfucking stain on our society, and exist as nothing more than neo-liberal corporate knob slobbering to suppress wages and keep the money flowing to our oligarchs.

    Fuck the TFW program entirely.

  4. Yes let’s vote for the Prime Minister to fix the mess that HE caused. It makes perfect sense, lol.

  5. Think-Comparison6069 on

    More nonsense from Pee Pees personal biographers. Too funny, the Nat Post is owned by Conservatives.

  6. He has to destroy the country to build the WEF’s new World Order. You can see the bind he’s in!

  7. canadianmohawk1 on

    Summary: He could have done absolutely nothing and it would have been better for us.

  8. Oh look. Another hit piece by the National Post. Funny seeing that at the top of this subreddit. Again.

  9. bezerko888 on

    Small and medium businesses never had income tax simplify or reduced. We had hidden tax and fee and a poisoned. These narcissists lying corrupted politicians deserve jail for crimes against Canadiens.

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