Umfrage: Mehrheit bevorzugt Donohoe oder Coveney als Anführer gegenüber Harris

Von SourPhilosopher


  1. Financial_Change_183 on

    No shit.

    No one wants a college drop out who has never had a real job and who has made a balls of every ministerial position he’s ever held, to be leader of the country.

    And before someone loses their mind and starts complaining that the college drop out thing shouldn’t disqualify someone from politics, I agree, but he’s also never had a real job either. He’s just a useless fool who has failed at everything he’s done, and still managed to fail upwards.

  2. Real-Size-View on

    Too be honest. No. Pascal does nothing but be prudent and say no to everything. He has zero vision for any project. We’ve got shot of a lefty looney now so hopefully Simon has a bit of enthusiasm for the job and bring some sense of inititative and interest to solve all of our crisiseses unlike Leo who had zero interest in the job or the country.

    He’ll have a few months to make an impression before FG collapses in GE, bout it.

  3. stbrigidiscross on

    Nobody wants the poisoned chalice at this point. Leo going takes away some of the stench from the refererendum fiasco but they know people are angry with them and they want to stabilise things ahead of the local and European elections. Any leader who takes over now will be forever associated with whatever happens at the next elections and no one else in the party wants it to be them.

  4. Ok_Magazine_3383 on

    Naturally. They’re more senior, substantial politicians.

    But in Donohoe’s case he obviously has a preference for moving into a role outside Irish politics. Meanwhile Coveney is less popular within FG than he was when he failed to beat Varadkar to the leadership, and there is a lot of speculation that he doesn’t intend to put himself forward for re-election anyway.

    That leaves you with slim pickings. And of those slim picking it was always going to be Harris, long tipped as a future FG leader. Not because of any particular competence on his part, but because he’s the one who has done by far the most groundwork within the party positioning himself for leadership. And ultimately that’s what gets you elected party leader, not public sentiment.

  5. RancidHorseJizz on

    Both — and especially Donohoe — are excellent candidates for positions with the EU or international orgs like the IMF. Failed leader of FG doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

  6. Express_Biscotti_628 on

    I don’t think a glorified photocopier should be the leader of anything tbh.

  7. johnebastille on

    quite happy with harris getting the fg leadership/taoiseach. he’ll burry the party back to the low teens percentage wise in the general and ensure they are in opposition or are a minor gov party after.

  8. MetrologyGuy on

    All I’m gonna say is that I’ve seen Coveney use the “do you know who I am?” line.

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