Kann jemand erklären, wie das funktioniert und welche Auswirkungen diese Entscheidung auf die reale Welt hat? Welche Regierung erkennen sie an? Wenn die PA, ist Hamas eine Besatzungsmacht in Gaza? Welche Grenzen erkennen sie? Welche Konsequenzen hat es, wenn ein „Staat“ in einen anderen Staat eindringt und Geiseln hält? Im Gegensatz zu Hamas und Netanjahu bin ich ein Befürworter einer Zwei-Staaten-Lösung, bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher, ob das hilft oder nicht?
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Most of the world already recognizes a Palestinian state within the confines of 1967 borders but understanding the idea of those borders being disputed. This is the same with Israel, most recognize Israel but not necessarily with how Israel sees its own borders currently (East Jerusalem, West Bank, Golan Heights, etc).
As with the government, it’s all Palestinian Authority which to my understanding Israel also recognizes as the legitimate government. No country, including in the Arab world recognizes Hamas as a legitimate government though may have seen the need in the past to have elements of them in a unity government.
Of course it’s complicated but like I said most of the world already recognizes Palestine so I am not sure why everyone is suddenly confused when three additional countries do the same. In 1948 the UN recognized Israel even when the Arab population of Mandatory Palestine did not agree and issues remained.