Ich reise aus einem Nicht-EU-Land nach Deutschland ein und bringe neu gekaufte Waren mit. Ich sehe auf der Website von Zoll, dass für Waren über 430 € Zoll zu zahlen ist. Gilt dieser Betrag pro Artikel oder für den gesamten Betrag, den ich einbringe? Die Website ist: https://www.zoll.de/EN/Private-individuals/Travel/Entering-Germany/Duties-and-taxes/Travellers-allowances/travellers-allowances_node.html


Von chronic4you


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  2. leroydebatcle on

    Customs officer here. Just to confirm, you live in Germany or another EU country yes?

    If not, and you take the items back with you you wouldn’t have to pay.

    I am asking because a colleague of mine who works airport told me about a tourist who broke out in tears as soon as he selected her for a spot check in the green exit.

    She had her usual tourist stuff with her (camera/phone/iPad) and was afraid she would go to jail because the stuff is worth over 3000€ and she didn’t declare it

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