Sewastopol wird hart getroffen


  1. nightfury626 on

    Excuse my dumb question but I’m gonna guess this is Ukraine doing the bombing? If there was a school or shopping mall there then it’s obvious that it’s Russia doing the bombing.

  2. juniperfanz on

    Seems one missile (storm shadow?) may have been intercepted. But then at least three arrived as intended and if I recall the late great anthemic American singer Meatballs correctly, three outta four ain’t bad.

  3. Intro_verti_AL on

    Ukraine needs to make sure their own air defence is stocked up and close to civilian areas. Russia has that disgusting habit of going all out on civilians whenever Crimea gets hit.

  4. Fatherofdaughters01 on

    Are the people speaking Russian? Sorry. I’m still familiarizing myself with the languages.

  5. CdnBacon88 on

    My uncle says when Russia is finished were going to buy their land for cheap. I heard parts are really nice summer vacation places. And we cn employ babiskas for toilet cleaning.

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