Es gibt Berichte über eine Reihe schwerer Explosionen auf der Krim


  1. UNITED24Media on

    It is reported that *more than six powerful explosions occurred in Sevastopol.* Additionally, *several explosions were heard near the Belbek military airfield.*

    Reports are also coming in of *explosions at the location of the 810th Marine Brigade of the Russian Federation.*

  2. juniperfanz on

    Oh you people. This is just uncle Igor’s vodka still letting off a little pressure.

    Everything remains according to plan!

  3. dodgeskitz on

    Crimea bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, Crimea bridge is falling down oh poor Putin.

  4. There are a lot of cables hanging in the backlight. They are called Bridge Grounding when the cables are anchored by the shore. Maybe the Kerch?

  5. Lopsided_Spend_7726 on

    nothing to see here move on (still more to come) lol SLAVA UKRAINE

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